At the moment, it might be harder for people to come to your house for a viewing. But that doesn’t mean your viewings can’t go ahead. Over the last year, there’s been a massive shift to doing things virtually - and the same is true when it comes to selling your home.

Here’s a useful guide on everything you need to know about virtual viewings

What is a virtual viewing?

We’ve seen the rise of the virtual viewing as a welcome tool for vendors to show off their homes to potential buyers. A virtual viewing is exactly as it sounds - showing people around your home via a video live stream.

Virtual viewings mean you can show your home to more people in less time. This weekend, one of our customers hosted nine viewings in a single day, all via Zoom!

How can I host a virtual viewing?

There are several ways you can show your home, and it’s really just a question of whichever way suits you. Most people choose to set up a Zoom or WhatsApp video chat and give a guided tour around their home.
Obviously, you will need a smartphone to stream. We recommend that when you conduct your viewing, you connect to your wifi but if you have poor wifi coverage, it may be better to stream via 4G.

You can also offer the viewer a recording of the virtual tour. The Zoom mobile app offers video recording capabilities, and you can share the recording after the viewing. You don’t need to have any bespoke audio recording tech to do this.

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People make offers based on virtual viewings?

Yes, people can make an offer based on a virtual viewing - in fact, in a recent survey, one in six people told us they’d be happy making an offer based on a virtual viewing.
Of course, most people may ultimately still ask for a physical viewing too but virtual viewings are a great first step and can give buyers a really good sense of your property. The Property Ombudsman has published advice on video viewings, stating that for sales, video viewings should be used as a ‘filtering exercise’ and serious buyers should be provided with an ‘offer agreed subject to viewing’ notice.

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For an example of how to conduct your own virtual viewing, we’ve linked up this video:

Admin - 11 January 2021